Thursday, May 6, 2010


The web site i chose is i think that it is a good web site for a bunch of reasons one because its straight forward and gives u subtitles  for where ever you want to go. it has some advertisements  but  they relate to the web site  i think its filed with pictures and it looks appealing to someone who is interesting for someone who likes graffiti. Its simple the there are sub titles to organize what you want to do and it doesn't waste peoples time.  although its not very simple and there is not very much negative space its still a very use full  web site

The second website i chose is i picked this website as my bad website because when i first went to use this website i could not figure out how to sign in to my bank the website was full of promotions and advertisements and if look at the top in small  tiny winy print it says sign in it took me 10 minutes to figure out how to sign in and the site is full of annoying advertisements but that is just a personal experience i think that the web page makes the users think to much if u want to sign in and actually need  use the banking on the site and they don't focus users attention you could say that they beat around the bush.